Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

The directors understand our responsibility for overseeing and implementing this policy. We believe that this policy is part of the business success and is intrinsically aligned to our business goals.


We will actively engage with stakeholders to gather feedback and incorporate into future revisions of this policy.

Part 6 – Implementation and Monitoring

We are a young and vibrant practice founded by a passion to create a solution for each and every client.


We are very straightforward, very open and on your side.


We will communicate with you often, keeping you up to date with progress.


We cut out the jargon and explain each stage clearly step by step.


We have a simple mission: to create a unique a solution that starts with you. We dig deep, We listen intently. We want to understand your brief to find out what matters to you.


We are passionate about what we do. We believe that everyone should have the benefit of good design and service no matter your budget or brief.


We believe that each project should be designed with thought, care and skill bringing these elements creates unique solutions and works of architecture.


We care deeply about how our buildings and interiors are made, which means selecting appropriate materials, thinking through the detail, and debating the finer points of our craft.


We strive to be efficient and to provide as smooth a process as possible.

Construction is complex and no two projects are the same. We work to be as efficient as possible to bring your project to fruition.

Part 5 – Our Purpose

Everyone at Fingerprintstudios is committed to positively making a difference to our local
community that we work and live in.


We aim to make positive contributions where we can be involved in community schemes, provide hands on support, donate our time and expertise.


We are active supporters of charities and undertake events to fund raise for projects close to our heart.

Part 4 – Community Engagement

Our goal is to retain our client base and in turn to become a partner of choice and be recommended for future projects.


  • We provide timely advice, both the good and the bad.
  • We operate an open review policy via Google reviews.
  • We ensure our clients are aware of there duties and responsibilities under the Construction, Design and Management regulations.
  • We are committed to clear communication with our clients.

Part 3 – Looking after clients

Our goal is to retain loyal and productive staff and provide effective and a good working environment.


  • We are an equal opportunities Employer as the Human Rights Act 2010, or what you have done in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
  • Our company provides health and safety training annual.
  • We undertake internal training including, first aid at work and fire warden training to keep our employees safe at work.
  • We undertake staff appraisals and review personal development plans.
  • Pay and benefits are paid correctly and on time.
  • We undertake a summer and winter staff team building exercise.
  • We undertake in house training, continued professional development through events and research new methods of working in the architecture consultancy and construction world.
  • We are avid believers in improving ourselves through regular training and development.

Part 2 – Looking after employees

The purpose of this policy is to guarantee that we are working ethically, considering human rights as well as the wider impact to the social, economic and environmental impacts of our business operations.


As a construction professional we are fully aware that our activities have an impact on all our stakeholders in many different ways.


We are committed to managing the demands of the environment around us and the concerns of our stakeholders to provide a solution that provides a reputable finish and approach that maintains a competitive and profitable company.


As part of the Fingerprintstudios vision we are always looking out for innovative techniques, solutions and technologies that enable us to carry out and deliver our work that is sympathetic to our stakeholders.


We are committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the policy below:

Part 1 - Purpose

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